Our Team
We understand the challenge of identifying and delivering quality solutions for organizational leaders, instructional leaders, and students within the scope of finite budgets.
Our ADIRA team works to understand your unique goals and challenges in order to “Make IT Work” for you.
Our company owners have over 60 years of combined experience serving educational organizations throughout Oklahoma, both PK-12 and our nationally ranked universities.
We know how to help you utilize available federal, state, and local funding, coupled with the strength of our technology partners to provide you the best solutions to achieve your objectives.

Chief Executive Officer
Chief Academic Officer

Chief Innovation Officer
Gaitha Milligan, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, has served as a technology leader for educational organizations for much of her career. After serving in the government sector, she transitioned into a focus on education where she served the University of Oklahoma as a full time Systems Analyst supporting the University and part time adjunct instructor in the College of Business. In addition, Gaitha’s experience serving for Norman Public Schools as the Data Systems and Special Projects Manager and her time as a private sector advocate contributes to her ability to understand the needs of students, staff, and educational organizations from a variety of perspectives. At the time she passed the CoSN Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL) exam in February 2020, Gaitha was the first woman from Oklahoma to earn CETL and was 1 of only 4 Oklahoman’s who hold CETL; Additionally, Gaitha is a member of a very select national CETL Team of only 643 members! For more information on the CETL certification, please visit: cosn.org/certification.
Dr. Shirley Simmons, Chief Academic Officer (CAO) and Co-Founder. Shirley was co-director of the Norman Public Schools (NPS) IMLS grant project and was the recipient of the 2019 American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Distinguished School Administrator Award. She coauthored the article “Building a Culture for Learner Voice and Choice through Inquiry” for the April 2018 issue of Teacher Librarian. Shirley served as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for eight years, the Director of Staff Development and Student Achievement for four years, and Data Analyst for two years. In her district level roles, she has been responsible for all curriculum, assessment, instruction, and professional development in the 16,000 student suburban district and the chief academic leader for the successful implementation of the NPS “iTech” student engagement initiative. She has also served as a classroom teacher at the elementary and middle levels in the U.S. and Germany. She has been a middle school and elementary building principal in Kansas and Oklahoma. Her passion areas are in the areas of technology, libraries, makerspaces, and inquiry.
Dr. Jack Green, Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) and Co-Founder. Jack focuses on bringing innovative, high quality, and cost-effective technology solutions to educational organizations via productive, impactful partnerships while maintaining our commitment to integrity, service orientation, collaboration, and attention to the end user. Jack has a 20 plus year record of serving schools and universities as a teacher, professor, administrator, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and private sector solutions leader. Previously, Jack served as CTO for Norman Public Schools (NPS) where he oversaw the implementation of a $20 million dollar bond project that included an overhaul of the district data center, network electronics upgrade, successful E-Rate category 2 implementation, deployment of the largest student engagement MacBook initiative in Oklahoma history, as well as implementation of several other industry standard solutions.